Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Good day, fellas!

For the meantime, I have no new crochet project to show off. I was busy preparing some documents for these past two weeks. There is something I am going to work on soon. So for now, I am going to post some of my past works instead. These stuffs are made out of my most favorite crochet pattern. Since the day I have learned how to crochet, this was the one I found really nice and easy to do crochet pattern, the granny! ^^

I have already made some crochet stuffs out of Granny stitch.

1. Granny Square

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Crochet Top

Hi again! And again and again! ^^ It’s so nice to be back as always ^^

As promise, I’m gonna show you now the finished stuff I have made out of the stitch I was talking about in my last post.


What do you think guys?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Works in Progree #2

September is almost through! The weather here in the Philippines is getting colder as December comes nearer. But I have problems... First, I am still thinking of what to present for the upcoming season. I am not yet preparing or planning anything as of the moment. That's a real problem for I have to be dynamic and innovative to be able to show off something to my audience. I hope I could come up with a bright craft idea before I run out of time...

Secondly, I got another set of works in progress. I was at the state of using all of my scrap yarns since last month before refilling my stash with new ones. So I did the multicolored bag and the rainbow bag. These are made out of worsted yarns and I was able to used them all.

Then I tried to make use of my cotton threads. That was the time I have learned about ripple stitch and this is what I have made!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Newly Learned Crochet Stitches

It's been quite a while since I last dropped a post here...

I just got real busy preparing the requirements for the training course I am attending to. But then of course, I can still find time to crochet. Actually, I am always ready to show you something new.

Recently, I am getting addicted with trying out new crochet stitches. I thought that I need to learn new techniques in crocheting. I need to learn how to modify my crochet works to make it more appealing to the audience. To stay away from simple single and double crochet for some time, I searched for other crochet stitches.

Here are the stitches I have learned:

1. Popcorn Stitch

Friday, August 23, 2013

Baby Shoes Pattern

Size: 4 (for a one-year old)
Hook Size: 5mm
Materials: 128 meters acrylic yarn for the shoes
                 75 yards acrylic yarn for embellishments


Round 1: Chain 16, dc on 3rd chain from hook
               Dc in the next 10 chains, trc in next, 10 trc in the last chain
               Working on the opposite side: Trc in next chain
               Dc in the next 10 chains, 2 dc in the last chain. Join at the top of the beginning dc

Round 2: Chain 2, dc in the same space. 2 dc in the next dc
               Dc in the next 8 dc
               * 2 dc, dc* eight times
               Dc in the next 8 dc, 2 dc in each of the last dc. Join at the top of ch2 stitch

Round 3: Chain 2, dc in the same space. 2 dc in each of the next 2 dc
               Dc in the next 11 dc
               * 2 dc, dc * eleven times
               Dc in the next 14 dc. Join

Round 4: Chain 2, dc in the same space. 2 dc in each of the next 3 dc
               Dc in the next 14 dc
               * 2 dc, dc in the next 3 dc * eight times
               Dc in the next 13 dc. Join

Round 5: In back loops only, chain 2, dc in the same space
               Dc around. Join

Round 6 and 7: In deep loops, chain 2, dc in the same space
                        Dc around. Join

Round 8: Chain 2, dc in the same space. Dc in each of the next 21 dc
               * Dc dec, dc in the next 2 dc* ten times
               Dc in the next 13 dc. Join

Round 9: Chain 2, dc in the same space. Dc in each of the next 21 dc
               * Dc dec, dc in the next dc * ten times
               Dc in the next 13 dc. Join

Round 10: Chain 1, sc in the same space. Sc in the next 20 dc
                * Sc dec * ten times
                 Sc in the next 14 dc. Join. Fasten off.


Round 1: Chain 16. Dc on the 3rd chain from hook
               2 dc in the next chain, dc in the next 10 chain, trc in the next 2 dc
               Opposite side: 10 trc in the next chain, trc in next, 2 trc in next
               Dc in the next 10 chain. Join at the top of the beginning dc

Round 2: Chain 2, dc in the same space. 2 dc in each of the next 3 dc
               Dc in the next 8 dc
               * Dc, 2dc * eight times, dc in the next 9 dc
                2 dc in each of the last dc. Join

Round 3: Chain 2, dc in the same space. Dc in the next 14 dc
               * Dc, 2 dc * eleven times, dc in the next 12 dc
               2 dc in each of the last dc. Join

Round 4: Chain 2, dc in the same space. Dc in the next 13 dc
               * Dc in the next 3 dc, 2 dc in next dc * eight times
               Dc in the next 5 dc, 2 dc in each of the last dc. Join

Round 5: In back loops only, chain 2, dc in the same space
              Dc around. Join

Round 6 and 7: In deep loops, chain 2, dc in the same space
                        Dc around. Join

Round 8: Chain 2, dc in the same space. Dc in the next 13 dc
              * Dc dec, dc in next 2 dc * ten times
              Dc in the next 21 dc. Join

Round 9: Chain 2, dc in the same space. Dc in the next 21 dc
               * Dc dec, dc in the next dc * ten times
               Dc in the next 21 dc. Join

Round 10: Chain1, sc in the same space. Sc in the next 20 dc
                 * Sc dec * ten times
                 Sc in the next 20 dc. Join. Fasten off.


Chain 6.

Row 1: Dc on the 3rd chain from hook. Dc across
Row 2 to 12: Chain 2. Dc across. Turn
Row 13: Chain 3. Trc in the next 2 dc. Chain 2, skip 1 stitch, trc in the next dc. Fasten off

Note: Ribbons and flower trimmings are optional.

Please do acknowledge my name upon posting your already-made shoes from my pattern. You can also tag it so I can view yours.

Thank you! =)

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Finished All The Scrap Yarns

Yeah! At last! I've got to finish all my scrap yarns ^^ I was able to use them all. Ha-ha!

As promised, I have finished making another crochet project before 15th of August but was unable to post it right away. Well, now is the time to show it off.

I thought I could never make a bigger piece out of my scrap yarns since I have already used up a larger portion for my previous project. But look! I ended up with this stuff. A twelve inches equilateral triangle. As I look into this triangle, I can see rainbow ^^

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Training Adieu!

Yeah! The lecture part of our Pharmacy Assistant Training is done! Nest step will be the On-The-Job training. I am included in the first batch of the trainees and we just started this Monday (July 29). We are ten people in the group. We are scheduled for the morning shift (7am to 3pm) to complete the 120 hours required for our course. We will be working in an hospital to be assigned in the Admin and Emergency Room (Oh! To work in ER scares me, really!)

In this post, I just want to share with you the pictures that resemble the memories I had with my classmates. Another memories I'm going to keep and put in my treasure box.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Having Fun With Scraps

Hi guys! I have been out for a long time. I got busy with the last week of our training. We just had our comprehensive examination yesterday. Good news! I was able to exceed the 75% passing score! In short, I passed the exam getting a 100% score in the second part.

Since today is my only off this week, I treated myself with these cute motifs.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Doing Crochet in the Midst of Busy Schedule

Happy Saturday! How I miss posting updates! I am too busy studying. We have daily examinations so I really need to review my notes and memorize the key points.But then of course, I am not forgetting crochet.

Actually, I started to make another bag out of my scrap yarns. It is my first time to make a bag out of worsted yarns because I always use the size 10 cotton thread in making such. I did not focus on the design and size of the bag instead I paid attention on how the colors would jive.

Here is the bag. It is made out of continuous double crochets. I think the colors are complimentary.

Saturday, June 29, 2013


It's been weeks since I last updated this blog. It's so happened because I had myself enrolled in a training course which is Pharmacy Assistant. It is actually a vocational course for those who cannot afford to enroll in a university. The good thing about the program is that when you finished the course and be able to pass the assessment you will be given a certificate with National Competency II which is equivalent to 3 or 6 units of Masteral Degree. The course is sponsored by Technical Education and Skills Development Authority or TESDA. It is said that it is the first time that TESDA offered the course of Pharmacy Assistant. So, I may say that we are the first batch to take the course.

I'm going to study for one to two months to complete the required hours of the course plus the On-The-Job training. I need to focus on my studies because if I were able to finish the said course, it would be another achievement for me. This will be my second course for I have already graduated with the degree of Bachelor in Science in Clinical Psychology.

The training started last Monday (June 24, 2013). I felt like I was just going to school again and would be studying hard again. It only differs with the number of students. In school, there are lots of students divided into sections/classrooms, unlike in the training course I am in. There are only fifty students and we are all in one room. I got interested to enroll because it will develop my skills more and I can get a job easier than before.

I hope to finish the program until the end and be able to pass the assessment test =) We are taking Anatomy and Physiology, Pharmacology I and II. I am now expecting more difficult words to pronounce and to memorize in the next lectures =) I just wish everything would be fine and smooth sailing =)

Happy weekend!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Crocheted Bonnet

It is said that crochet and stuffs out of it are exclusive only for girls. Maybe the art of crocheting is best for women but there are some crocheted stuff that could fit to any boys/men.

Remember the bonnet I have mentioned in my previous post? The bonnet is made for a six-year old boy. It is made out of Red Heart 4ply yarn. I just can't remember the shade number because I think I have already thrown the tag but it was a chocolate brown color.

This is the crocheted bonnet I have made.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wish List

It's Wednesday again! I hope everyone is doing well. It's the third day of the week and we sure to expect more busy days as the time passes. Two weeks to go and it's already midyear [again!] See how fast the days are passing? Sooner it's going to be "BER" months again and we're counting down for the year 2014. I feel like I'm getting older faster... I wish I could be more productive before 2013 ends ^^

Be productive =) Well, I guess I need to work harder to achieve that. Being productive means you're getting every thing you do on the deadline and making more outputs. Behind every work is the effort and something you would like to get or to happen. Something you wish for yourself or for other people. Right now, I am not working for any company or for others. I am working through crocheting for myself. I said for myself  because the profit I'm earning from crocheting is not that sufficient to support them. But I'm wishing that as time passes by, I'll get more from crocheting like earning bigger amount of money to be able to give back to my parents. I have other wants and needs in my life for I am only at my early 20's. There more steps for me to take. But before dreaming for a bigger future, I know I must start from the bottom first, making small steps to achieve something I really want =)

Friday, June 14, 2013

Work, Work, Work

Thank God it's Friday! The super old tag but still in trend used when Friday comes =) The last working day of the week for most of the people. Yeah, it's Friday but I'm just starting my weekend with a new project.

Before introducing my latest project, here are some of the finished ones.

This is from the pattern I have found in my book and I have already mentioned this in my previous post. I call this Tri Motif Doily out of puff stitch.

This one is requested by my sister. She's been longing for this Cat Coin Purse. Finally, I had made it but I haven't added a zipper yet.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Experiences Encountered Because of Crochet

Great evening! It's weekend again! Seems like the days are passing real fast. It feels like it's going to be Christmas again in the next day. I can see more busy days ahead. How I miss the old times...

Okay, I'm done reminiscing.... T _ T

You know what? Thinking about how long and how far have I been crocheting, I've already collected some funny and complimenting experiences because of that. Compliments like "I like your work! Why don't you try selling some?" and " Can you make something for me like what you did? It's beautiful!" It feels so comforting hearing those kinds of words from someone you know or even from a stranger. They gave me the courage to share my Facebook Page and to make it public. I also had the confidence to consult my fellow Filipino crocheters about the advices they could give me in order to improve my skill. I feel proud of my works and I got the chance to show them off knowing that they are going to appreciate what I'm doing.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Works in Progress

Hey! I just finished the Lacy Scarf. Check the full preview of the photos in my Facebook Page.

So how's your weekend? Me? I had a very light weekend =) I did nothing. I just stayed at home and did some routinary activities like washing the dishes and cleaning the house. And oh! As I have said above I just came to finish the scarf I mentioned in my last post. That's all, nothing special had happened. What a life!

Anyways, I still have some unfinished works... And I am still on the way of thinking on how to make and finish them all. It's like that my mind has already given out all the imagination it could but still nothing came and maybe that's why I haven't finished them yet. So funny to think that I am so enthusiastic to start a new crochet project and losing will at the bottom of the work...

Okay, will you let ma enumerate those unfinished projects? =)

These hexagon motifs are first on the list.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Enjoying my Free Time

Good day everyone! It's a very nice day to do something cool. The sun is shining today unlike yesterday when it has been raining the whole morning. I am also having a vacant period now. For there are no current orders to process, no deadlines to meet and I'm just staying at home. It's fun when you have time to rest and to leave the life you are living for a while. I can stay away from watching TV, going out and using the computer but not with crocheting. Basically, that's what I'm doing now. I'm enjoying my free time while doing crochet.

I'm getting myself busy by making two crochet projects, the Puff Stitch and Spider Cover and Lacy Scarf.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Another Set of Baby Shoes

Hello! Sorry again for the late update but I've got something to show you anyway =)

I was into finishing an order for a week and fortunately I was able to make it yesterday. I was asked to make two pairs of baby shoes that will fit to a one-year old baby girl. After some trials and errors on achieving the right foot size, I think I have made the best baby shoes ever!

For now, I'm gonna give you the preview of my work. So, come on! Take a sneak peak on those cute baby shoes =) I'm gonna show you some photos on how did I make the shoes.

Here are the steps in making the sole. You have to make two of this per foot to have a thicker sole.

Making the second round of the sole.

On the third round.

And lastly, finishing the fourth round of the sole.

After making two soles, you are to attach both by making dc around but in backloops only.

Here's another close up shot on how to attach the soles together. So, again don't forget to make two for each foot.

Finishing the top toe. We're almost
done! The top toe is done by continuous dc around and by decreasing stitches.

Adding straps to hold the feet of the baby.

This is how the sole will look like after you finish them.

This is one of the two pairs I made. So adorable and cute! The shoes are made to fit a one-year old foot. I also made use Red Heart yarns on these.

Wanna see the pink shoes? You can check them both in my Facebook Page and view the full shot photo of these baby shoes =)

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Granny Hexagon Pattern

Note: Any hook size and yarn are applicable to this pattern.

Chain 5. Join to form a ring.

Round1: Chain 2 (counted as dc), 2dc, ch2 *3dc, ch2* repeat five times. Slip stitch at the top of ch-2.

Round 2: Chain 2. 2dc, ch1, 3dc at the same open space. Ch 2. *3dc, ch1, 3dc, ch2 in the next open space* repeat five times. Slip stitch at the top of ch-2.

Round 3: Chain 2. 2dc in the same open space. Ch 2. 3dc, ch2, 3dc in the  next open space on the corner of the square.* 3dc in next side space, 3dc, ch2, 3dc in next corner space. Repeat from * five times more.
Join with slip stitch in top of ch3 stitch.
For additional round/s:
              Work 3dc in each open space on the side of the square and work 3dc, ch2, 3dc in each corner space.
              To begin a new row, always chain 2 and turn the piece over.
              To end each row, do a slip stitch in the top of ch2 stitch

Friday, May 17, 2013

Potted Flowers Free Pattern


Chain 4. Jon to form a ring.
Round 1: Chain 2 (counted as first dc) and make 9 dc in a ring.Slip stitch at the top of ch-2.
Round 2: Chain 2. Dc at the same space. *2dc in the next dc* repeat around.
Round 3: Chain 2. Dc at the same space. *Dc in next dc, 2d in next dc* repeat around.
Round 4: Chain 2. Dc at the same space. *Dc in next 2dc, 2dc in next dc* repeat around.
Round 5: Dc around.

Note: To reach your desired height of the pot, continue doing the last round.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Two-Toned Green Purse

Just a few days ago, upon looking at my yarns and a lot of scrap yarns are into my box I decided to use them up for more useful things like carry on bag, purses and doilies. And yesterday, I have already finished one stuff. Now, I wanna call this one simply envelop type of purse or wrist let . Aside from bags, I also love collecting small pouches, purses and anything alike. I love color green so much! Any shades of green will do. That's why I made this purse first to satisfy myself. So take a look at my new things below.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

I am not the kind of person who give gifts every occasion. That's not me but when I give I make sure that it is the best I could give. Now, that I am talking about gift-giving, I think most of you are much more generous than me, so let's get this words to the point: Mother's Day is just a few days to go and I don't know if I should give my mother something or I'll just do all the household chores for her...

Like what I have said above, I think most of you are much more generous than me when it comes in gift-giving so I decided to show you something... I don't know if you can call this one adorable enough to make your mothers smile.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Granny Hex Bag

I’ve got another new thing to show you guys ^^ Want to know what that is? Just keep on reading this post ^^

We all know that girls love a lot of possessions. We go gaga over bags, shoes, accessories and the likes.Well, I go crazy over bags! I love collecting different kinds of bags and purses though I don't spend much money on buying some, I'm trying to make some for me instead. And now that I know how to crochet, I'm really into making lots of bags!

As I've said above, I've got something to show you. Here is my so called Granny Hex Bag =)

Friday, May 3, 2013

Summer Beaded Bracelets Pattern

Sea Shell Bracelet


Cannon thread
23 pieces of shell beads
1 button (any size)

String all beads.
Chain 45

Row 1: [Sc in the next 4ch, incorporate 1 bead] rep[eat up to the last chain. Chain 1. Turn.
Row 2: Sc across. Chain 1. Turn.
Row 3: [Sc in the next 3sc, incorporate 1 bead] repeat up to the last sc. Chain 1. Turn.
Row4: Sc around the bracelet.

Make a button loop on one side of the cuff and sew a button on the other side of it. Weave all ends.

Green Bracelet


Cannon thread
160 pieces of any small beads
4 pieces of beads of bigger size
1 button

String 50 pieces of small beads first, then 1 bigger bead, 20 small bead, 1 bigger bead, another 20 small beads, 1 bigger bead, 20 small beads, 1 bigger bead and lastly another 50 small beads.

Chain 45.

Row 1: [Sc in the next 5 ch, slip in 5 small beads] repeat up to the lat chain. Chain 1. Turn.
Row 2: Sc across. Chain 1, Turn.
Row 3: [Sc in the next 4 sc, slip in 5 small beads] twice.
            Sc in the next 4 sc, slip in 1 bigger bead.
            [Sc in the next 4 sc, slip in 5 small beads] four times.
            Sc in the next 4 sc, slip in 1 bigger bead.
            [Sc in the next 4 sc, slip in 5 small beads] twice. Chain 1. Turn.
Row 4: Sc across. chain 1. Turn.
Row 5: Same as Row 3.
Row 6: Sc across. Chain 1. Turn.
Row 7: Same as Row 1.
Row 8: Sc around the bracelet.

Make a button loop on one side of the cuff and sew a button on the other side of it. Weave all ends.

Blue Barcelet


Cannon thread
108 pieces of black beads
18 pieces of white beads
7 pieces of wooden beads
1 button

Note: 7 beads per set = 3 black-1 white - 3 black
          Stringing of beads is continuous.

String 2 sets of beads, 1 wooden bead, 2 sets of beads, 1 wooden bead, 2 sets of beads
1 set of beads, 1 wooden bead, 2 sets of beads, 1 wooden bead, 2 sets of beads, 1 wooden beads, 1 set of beads
2 sets of beads, 1 wooden bead, 2 sets of beads, 1 wooden bead, 2 sets of beads

Chain 45.

Row 1: [Sc in the next 5 ch, slip in 1 set of beads] twice.
             Sc in the next 5 ch, slip in 1 wooden bead.
            [Sc in the next 5 ch, slip in 1 set of beads] twice.
             Sc in the next 5 ch, slip in 1 wooden bead.
            [Sc in the next 5 ch, slip in 1 set of beads] twice. Chain 1. Turn.
Row 2:  Sc across. Chain 1. Turn.
Row 3: Sc in the next 4 sc, slip in 1 set of beads, sc 4, slip in 1 wooden bead.
            [Sc in the next 4 sc, slip in 1 set of beads] twice.
            Sc in the next 4 sc, slip in 1 wooden bead.
            [Sc in the next 4 sc, slip in 1 set of beads] twice.
             Sc in the next 4 sc, slip in 1 wooden bead. Sc 4, slip in 1 set of beads. Chain 1. Turn.
Row 4: Same as Row 1.
Row 5: Sc around the bracelet.

Make a button loop on one side of the cuff and sew a button on the other side of it. Weave all ends.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Summer Beaded Bracelets

I know it's kinda late to post something about summer but I will post it anyway =)
I like collecting small stuffs like accessories though I don't like wearing them everyday. I just like having some. For some people who like accessories so much, I can tell you something adorable to wear and since it's still vacation, having something around your wrist will always make you ready for a day out or a night out.

What about summer beaded bracelets? These little somethings are so simple and easy to make.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Author's Note

Hi guys!
Hooked ThreadLine is undergoing some changes right now and I'm asking you to please bear with me. That's why I was unable to post anything for this month. But when I come back in May, I will make sure that I can update you and post relevant ideas.

Have a blessed week ahead! Thank you!

About the Hooked ThreadLIne


The author of this blog, Hooked ThreadLine is from the Philippines. I am a  22-year old girl who has a Bachelor's Degree in Clinical Psychology and currently a full-time blogger. Aside from my love of crocheting, I also love music, traveling, movies, books and eating. I cook at times, mostly sauteed vegetable, fried dishes but never the broth dishes except cooking noodles and the likes. I  like noodles very much. With books, I have read mainly Sidney Sheldon's works and the others are by various authors whose stories are of psychological theme. When it comes to music, I prefer country music for it is so good to the ears and mind, so relaxing.

In addition to the above information, I like surfing over the net. I use computer around 6 to seven hours a day, checking e-mails and messages. Signing up and logging in in social networking sites. But then of course, I can still manage my time to do other duties than using computer.

Going back to the main topic of this blog, crocheting. i am really into crocheting. I list all my to-do crochet projects in order to catch up with the updates of this blog. I also know how to do cross-stitch, embroidery, paper cutting and other handicrafts but my main focus right now is the art of crocheting.

Getting Started

Before this blog was created, I first founded my Facebook Page last August 2011. I did not have any troubles with what name should I give to my small business. I just thought of the hook that I'm using and the thread or yarn. In crocheting, we used to hook the yarn to start with the pattern so I have came up with the name of "Hooked ThreadLine". The word line was just an additional to make it sound more interesting. At first, I just wanted to make a gallery of my crochet creations, somewhere to file the pictures of my works and eventually to get some order if ever. Then later on, I thought of making my crocheting full-time for I do not work yet. I shared my Facebook page to my friends asking them to help me with my business and to expand my audience more. The page started to gain likes and orders. After that, I came to an idea of making my own blog where I can put my ideas and works in a broader place so people can read more of me and my craft.

I started with blogging just this January 2013. As you can see, the blog is still going under some changes in layout for I am still an amateur in making a good and successful craft blog. I am enjoying posting in this blog not until I received a lot of orders and was not able to post something new. The days were passing and I haven't posted anything yet. I struggled thinking what to post, how can I make this blog more productive and interesting to the readers. And same with my Facebook page, I could not get them updated. And I was so frustrated then. But I am the type of person who will do anything to make a perfect output. So I researched for ideas on how to keep a blog motivating and attention-grabbing. I learned a lot and now I'm back on track! =)

The "Hooked ThreadLine"

This blog was created to show my crochet skills and the outcomes. This blog is intended for business and somehow it is also for sharing some techniques and ideas to other art lovers out there.


I make different crochet stuffs mostly bags and purses. At times, it depends on what a customer wants like souvenirs, key chains, home decorations (table covers), gifts, hats and accessories.


I offer my products via made-to-order basis. I make customized orders. You can choose the pattern/design, color and size of your desired item.


To be able to motivate others to appreciate the handmade crafts more.
To give inspiration that even a single thread and a hook in our hands can make a space in this world that it can also help one person to grow and find diversity in a skill.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Baby Stuffs =)

Sorry for the very late update... I was into finishing some projects these past weeks that's why I was unable to post something here. But now, I'm done with the projects and I'm ready to update you guys! =)

The projects I am talking about are the ones being ordered to me by a friend. It's a set of a pair of baby shoes and almost 80pairs of little booties as for baptism souvenir. It took me about three weeks to finish them all with the thought that I might not get them done on time because I have other things to do aside from crocheting. But then again I just finished them on time =)

Friday, March 15, 2013

To: Book Lovers

As a fan of books, I often buy some and stock them inside the shelf. I read them as soon as I've reached our house. But then of course, I cannot finished reading them all at once in just one sitting so I have to bookmark the last page I have already read. I always make an improvised bookmark like folded paper or a pen. I used to plan making my own bookmark but I always forgot to do so. And when I got the time, I made sure that my bookmark will last long and not torn easily.

Ta-dan!!! I just made this basic but delightfully made bookmarks. I also made one in green color. I create three Granny Hexagons, weave them together and cut strands of thread for tassel. Adding some beads to make it look more fabulous ^^

Friday, March 8, 2013

Happy Graduation Day!

This month of March, graduation ceremonies are everywhere. Parting ways of some people occurs and unforgettable memories will be missed. Others find the event sad but at the same happy because they will be stepping into the new road of their lives.

For the graduation to be a memorable one, gift-giving is always present. I thought of a thing that's very common to all the graduation ceremonies. Then suddenly the image of a graduation cap popped out of my mind. So I tried to make one graduation cap and looked like this.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Got Featuted and People from other countries liked my Page

My Facebook Page was got featured last March 03, 2013 on I'm Hooked.

I started following "I'm Hooked" on Facebook around February of this year and yeah, she got my page featured on her account. It was surprising to see and read the news that day. She got the pictures of my crochet key chains posted on her page and more likes are coming to my page after that.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Why does February only has 28 days?

February is wrapping up. It is a short month because it is “missing” days, but why does this month only have 28 days (or 29 in a leap year) instead of 30 or 31 as the other months do?

The reason can be found looking back in history to the time of the Romans. At that time the year had 10 months called Martius (March), Aprilis (April), Maius (May), Iunius (June), Quintilis (which became July), Sextilis (later becoming August), September October, November and December. In this calendar, months alternated with having 30 or 31 days in a year totaling 304 days. The others were simply winter days in which there was nothing worth celebrating, no agriculture or production and in short, were just considered unimportant.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Inherited Hook from my Grandmother

Hi again! =)

I am working on some new crochet projects now so I'm gonna post something for the meantime.
Since we are talking crochet here, you've got to have a yarn and a hook. Speaking of hook, I got my first steel hook from my grandmother.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Facts about Valentine's Day

Did You Know?

  •  There are different opinions as to who was the original Valentine was, but the most popular theory  dates back to the time of the Roman Empire and the reign of Claudius II, 270 AD. Claudius believed that single men made better soldiers and did not want his men to marry during wartime. Bishop Valentine went against his wishes and performed secret wedding ceremonies. Valentine was jailed and then executed by order of the Emperor on February 14. While in jail, he wrote a love note to the jailor's daughter signing it, "From your Valentine." In any event, in 496 A.D., Pope Gelasius set aside February 14 to honor St. Valentine. Through the centuries, the Christian holiday became a time to exchange love messages and St. Valentine became a patron saint of lovers. In the 1840s, Esther Howland, a native of Massachusetts, is given credit for sending the first Valentine cards. The spirit of love continues as valentines are sent with sentimental verses and children exchange valentine cards at school.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Tomorrow is Another day

How can you cope up when something went wrong?
What if that thing really meant something to you, something so close you can almost touch it and yet it disappears all of the sudden?
You gave your very best effort to achieve it, your time and your dream and yet it would all came down to zero again and again and again...

Friday, February 8, 2013

It's my Birthday Today!

It's my birthday today! Yes, I am now a 22 year-old lady but my looks don't show it.

I have received a lots of greetings from friends and of course from my family. And all I can say is "Thank you" with smiley icon.

Actually, yesterday I was feeling bored at the same time disappointed. Something happened and although I've been anticipating for the bad outcome, I still felt disappointed both with myself and them.
To ease that weariness, I decided to make a gift for myself as reward for striving hard.

I tried to make a birthday card for myself!

Accidentally-Made Valentine Card

I was feeling so bored yesterday and I could not do anything but to just lie down in bed. After a few minutes, I jumped off the bed and thought of something to do. An idea came up to my mind. Why don't I just make lots of Valentine's Day item since it is just a week to go. So I pulled my crochet materials down the floor and started to crochet a heart. I thought of making hearts with different sizes to make a mobile. I crocheted one heart a-not-so-good-in-a-shape-heart. I paused for a moment, not satisfied with the heart I've made. I then glued the heart in a piece of paper folded in two and decided to make a Valentine card instead of making a mobile. So I added a three-inch long trimming just above the heart. The card looked more ugh! I don't know how to describe it, it just turned out something not that attractive.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Another Ideal Valentine's Day Gift

Hi again! I just made another ideal Valentine's Day gift for you. I called it Stuffed Heart Lollipop.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Simple but Entirely Awesome Valentine Gift

I was thinking what kind of gift should be given this coming Valentine's Day. I thought of something incredible, one of a kind and even searched it on the web. I kept on thinking and thinking and I ended up making this very simple roses:

With matching crochet tag. Isn't it beautiful, is it?

Monday, February 4, 2013


Hi again!

Why is this entitled as "Amazed"?

Because... I just feel amazed when I listed down all of the crochet items I have done. And it turned out that I have done so many that my eyes just couldn't believe it...

Yah, I was amazed just like that. I didn't notice that I have created so many crochet items already. So many colors, shapes and sizes.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Beginning

Hey! I just started posting in this blog yesterday.

For the sample blog, I first posted free patterns of my crochet creations to see if my blog is already working and ta-dan! I can now post and post into this blog! (Thanks to Google and Blogger ^^)

Granny Square Bag Pattern

Granny Square Bag

8 balls of Monaco or Cannon yarn
            3 balls for green
            2 balls for light green
            1 ball for each of the other color
12” inch long zipper
Tapestry needle and thread
7mm steel crochet hook

Motifs (make 65 pieces)
Chain 6, slip stitch to form a ring.
Round 1: Chain 3, 2dc, *ch1, 3dc. Repeat from * twice.
              Chain 1. Join with slip stitch in top of ch3 stitch.
              Chain 3, turn the piece over.
Round 2: 2dc, ch2, 3dc in next chain 1 space. * 3dc, ch2, 3dc in next chain 1 space.
              Repeat from * twice. Join with slip stitch in top of ch3 stitch.
              Chain 3, turn the square over.
Round 3: 2dc in next open space on the side of the square.
              3dc, ch2, 3dc in the  next open space on the corner of the square.
              * 3dc in next side space, 3dc, ch2, 3dc in next corner space. Repeat from * twice.
              Join with slip stitch in top of ch3 stitch. Chain 3, turn the square over.

Mini Tote Bag Pattern

Mini Tote Bag

3 balls of Monaco or Cannon yarn (I used white, yellow and green colors)
2 yards of ribbon
1 button
5mm steel crochet hook

Note: Use 3 threads throughout (1 thread from each of 3 balls)

Side (make 2)
Chain 4. Join with a slip stitch to form a ring.
1st round: Make 8sc in ring
2nd round: 2sc in each sc around
3rd round: *2sc in next sc, sc in next sc. Repeat * around
4th round: *Sc in next 2sc, 2sc in next sc. Repeat * around
5th round: *Sc in next 3sc, 2sc in next sc. Repeat * around
6th round: Sc in each sc around
7th round: *2sc in next sc, sc in next sc. Repeat * around
8th, 9th, 10th rounds: sc in each sc around
11th round: *2sc in next sc, sc in next 2sc. Repeat * around
12th to 17th round: sc in each sc around. Slip stitch in next 2 sc. Break off.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Other Stuffs

Little Booties
(Baptism Souvenir)
Materials: Monaco Thread
Size: 1.5"
Price: 25php/pair

Granny Hex Bookmarks
(Set A)
Materials: Monaco Thread
Size: 4"
Price: 15php/each

Granny Hex Bookmarks
(Set B)
Materials: Monaco Thread
Size: 4"
Price: 15php/each

Froggy Key Chain
Materials: Worsted Yarn
Size: 4"
Price: 40php

Materials: Worsted Yarn
Size: 2.5"
Price: 15php/each

Birthday Card with Crocheted Flower Applique
Materials: Worsted Yarn
Price: 20php

Birthday Card with Crocheted Flower Applique
Materials: Worsted Yarn
Price: 20php

Pen/Crochet Hook Holder
Materials: Worsted Yarn
Size: 7"
Price: 20php

Despicable Me
Materials: Worsted Yarn
Size: 4"
Price: 80php

Wedding Cake Key Chain
Materials: Worsted Yarn
Size: 2.5"
Price: 25php/each

Pen Cases
Materials: Monaco Thread
Size: 6"
Price: 25php/each

 Materials: Worsted Yarn
Size: 6"
Price: 10php/each

For more products, please visit My Facebook Page.

Currently, orders are limited within selected areas of Metro Manila only.
You can place you orders in My Facebook Page. Just drop a message there and I'll respond to it immediately. Thank you!

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