Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Training Adieu!

Yeah! The lecture part of our Pharmacy Assistant Training is done! Nest step will be the On-The-Job training. I am included in the first batch of the trainees and we just started this Monday (July 29). We are ten people in the group. We are scheduled for the morning shift (7am to 3pm) to complete the 120 hours required for our course. We will be working in an hospital to be assigned in the Admin and Emergency Room (Oh! To work in ER scares me, really!)

In this post, I just want to share with you the pictures that resemble the memories I had with my classmates. Another memories I'm going to keep and put in my treasure box.

From the start of our training, this is where we come in and out.

The facilities are all good. The place is well-lighted and ventilated. We were staying in an air conditioned room. As you can see, the place is really clean and friendly.

As for the last time, we prepared a small dine-in party. We brought our packed lunch and we ate on bananas leave as our plate. We did not use spoons and forks. We just ate with our hands. It was so fun and our stomachs were so full also.

After we ate, we had our last and final lecture with Sir Manny =) [I was not able to get a picture of him...]
Then we had a break.

Although we ate a lot during lunch that day, it felt like we did not eat anything before the class started. Because we even bought foods again, a lot of crackers and sodas and all. We just ate and ate until the lecture starts again.

That day, that afternoon, you can hear the noise of my classmates. All was saying how much they are going to miss every one. They even said that we shall continue communicating with each other even the training ends.

This is the picture of my group with Sir Manny =)

There is Sir Manny. I thought I have not gotten to keep a picture with him. He is a really good teacher and a very professional one. I'm gonna miss these people a lot.

This was taken just after Sir Manny ended our final lecture for the training.

We had a lot of picture takings that day. We even had our final messages. We exchanged contact numbers and email addresses.

I took this picture =)

See how busy they were packing up their things and getting ready to go home?

As you may notice, the pictures posted here are all stolen and not focused on a specific object. I love taking pictures on natural or on the spot. I do not want to take pictures when people are aware because  the behaviors are not natural. I want to remember something that is genuine and sincere.

Thank you, guys! You are all always be remembered!

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