Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wish List

It's Wednesday again! I hope everyone is doing well. It's the third day of the week and we sure to expect more busy days as the time passes. Two weeks to go and it's already midyear [again!] See how fast the days are passing? Sooner it's going to be "BER" months again and we're counting down for the year 2014. I feel like I'm getting older faster... I wish I could be more productive before 2013 ends ^^

Be productive =) Well, I guess I need to work harder to achieve that. Being productive means you're getting every thing you do on the deadline and making more outputs. Behind every work is the effort and something you would like to get or to happen. Something you wish for yourself or for other people. Right now, I am not working for any company or for others. I am working through crocheting for myself. I said for myself  because the profit I'm earning from crocheting is not that sufficient to support them. But I'm wishing that as time passes by, I'll get more from crocheting like earning bigger amount of money to be able to give back to my parents. I have other wants and needs in my life for I am only at my early 20's. There more steps for me to take. But before dreaming for a bigger future, I know I must start from the bottom first, making small steps to achieve something I really want =)

For now, these are the things I wanna get:
  • Stash full of yarns
  • More followers of my Blog and Facebook Page
  • More customers
  • Learn more crochet stitches
  • To put up a Crochet Store where people can see my works personally
When I get all these, I won't feel frustrated about life anymore. I know all the things I listed are possible but it takes time and budget ^^ There is a lot of experiences I have to go through.

Before I end this post, I have already finished the bonnet and the headbands. Check them out in my Facebook Page now!

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