Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Works in Progree #2

September is almost through! The weather here in the Philippines is getting colder as December comes nearer. But I have problems... First, I am still thinking of what to present for the upcoming season. I am not yet preparing or planning anything as of the moment. That's a real problem for I have to be dynamic and innovative to be able to show off something to my audience. I hope I could come up with a bright craft idea before I run out of time...

Secondly, I got another set of works in progress. I was at the state of using all of my scrap yarns since last month before refilling my stash with new ones. So I did the multicolored bag and the rainbow bag. These are made out of worsted yarns and I was able to used them all.

Then I tried to make use of my cotton threads. That was the time I have learned about ripple stitch and this is what I have made!

I was planning to make a skirt but I had a problem with the measurement and choosing the right color combination so I dropped working on it and took a rest for days.

I bought some cotton threads and looked for different crochet pattern stitches. What I saw were more of the diagram than the written pattern. I almost gave up making new stuff because I am more familiar with written pattern than looking at a diagram. Just looking at the drawing makes  me feel dizzy... Until I saw this pattern in my book. I find it easy to do and an elegant-looking pattern stitch.

I just don't know what to call this type of pattern stitch for there is no label in the book but I am loving it! ^^

Here is what I have just made recently using that pattern stitch.

Wondering what could it be? Find out on my next post! ^^
Have a great day! ^^

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