Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Tomorrow is Another day

How can you cope up when something went wrong?
What if that thing really meant something to you, something so close you can almost touch it and yet it disappears all of the sudden?
You gave your very best effort to achieve it, your time and your dream and yet it would all came down to zero again and again and again...

I'm just feeling a bit disappointed with myself again. I don't know whether it was my fault or theirs or somethings are not just really destined for me to have. I'm really trying my best to have something I want. Yes, I am receiving a lot of compliments about my knowledge, my skills and my character but I am still going nowhere.

Sometimes I want to give up and stay at home instead but my will would not allow me to.

Thinking about my future...

My future is what I am really thinking of. I don't want to be dependent to my parents all my life. I need to learn how to feed myself, dress myself, pamper myself. I have to.

That gives me stronger will not to give up. I know somehow I have the skill and the knowledge. All I need is to have enough confidence to show them that I am capable of doing things above average. I know I can. Most of the people say that life is a game. And maybe, the life given to me is just this hard at first but when I learn to know the rules of my life that's the time when I am going to have what I want. That will be time when I can get something for me.

Learn from your own mistakes. Learn to grow and keep on learning. If I fail again, there's still tomorrow when I can have my wrongs getting right. Things are not always the same.

Tomorrow is another day to pursue. Another day to do something achievable.

Rise and shine!

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