Saturday, August 17, 2013

Finished All The Scrap Yarns

Yeah! At last! I've got to finish all my scrap yarns ^^ I was able to use them all. Ha-ha!

As promised, I have finished making another crochet project before 15th of August but was unable to post it right away. Well, now is the time to show it off.

I thought I could never make a bigger piece out of my scrap yarns since I have already used up a larger portion for my previous project. But look! I ended up with this stuff. A twelve inches equilateral triangle. As I look into this triangle, I can see rainbow ^^

For I really love bags, I made another one. I turned this triangle into another bag ^^ I have put effort, much effort to make this stuff. It was actually a challenge to make a bag out of this shape.

I folded the piece in half and started to imagine how would I make the bag?

I then gathered the materials I would be needing. A piece of denim cloth, buckles and tapestry needle.

To hide the yarn ends, I used the denim cloth and wove it to the sides of the piece.

Next is the holder. I used buckles, the plastic ones to adjust the handle.

Lastly, I added the zipper.

As I finished the bag, I appreciate my artistic skill more ^^ I know this stuff has some "stitch defects" because I only did hand stitch in putting the pieces together but I can say that it is one of the best crochet stuffs I have made.

I want to know your insights about this one, guys ^^
Thank you for dropping by! Take care!

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