Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Granny Hex Bag

I’ve got another new thing to show you guys ^^ Want to know what that is? Just keep on reading this post ^^

We all know that girls love a lot of possessions. We go gaga over bags, shoes, accessories and the likes.Well, I go crazy over bags! I love collecting different kinds of bags and purses though I don't spend much money on buying some, I'm trying to make some for me instead. And now that I know how to crochet, I'm really into making lots of bags!

As I've said above, I've got something to show you. Here is my so called Granny Hex Bag =)

I'm always excited to make a new crochet stuff and of course after finishing it I also want to show it off. I think it took about more than two weeks before I finished this bag due to money shortage ^^  I really ought to buy materials all at the same so I would be able to finish a stuff on time... maybe that is what should I do in the future.

So, what do you think about this bag? It is made of 34 motifs of Granny Hexagon wove together.  I used violet as the main color of the bag and red and cream for the outer color. For this bag, I made use of almost 6 balls of Monaco yarn (you can also use Cannon). I don't know but I prefer to use thinner yarn for my crochet stuffs rather than of worsted ones. Then I try to make some twist with the handle. I used ring binders, the ones we use to hang a curtain. I used 6 pieces of rings and a button up for flap.

The image above is how the Granny Hex looks like. I crocheted up to 6 rounds to have a motif that measures 2.5 inches. i used a steel hook size 7 to achieve the measurement of each motif.

Can you see the handle? I added three ring binders for each side of the handle for the bag be more attractive.

I always make a button up bag flap for easier way of zipping it. I used one clear-colored flower button and sew it with a button loop that corresponds to it.

Hope you enjoy reading this post. Give your comments and share this also ^^
Thank you!

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