Sunday, June 9, 2013

Experiences Encountered Because of Crochet

Great evening! It's weekend again! Seems like the days are passing real fast. It feels like it's going to be Christmas again in the next day. I can see more busy days ahead. How I miss the old times...

Okay, I'm done reminiscing.... T _ T

You know what? Thinking about how long and how far have I been crocheting, I've already collected some funny and complimenting experiences because of that. Compliments like "I like your work! Why don't you try selling some?" and " Can you make something for me like what you did? It's beautiful!" It feels so comforting hearing those kinds of words from someone you know or even from a stranger. They gave me the courage to share my Facebook Page and to make it public. I also had the confidence to consult my fellow Filipino crocheters about the advices they could give me in order to improve my skill. I feel proud of my works and I got the chance to show them off knowing that they are going to appreciate what I'm doing.

Hmm.... The best compliment I ever received is from a fellow Filipino crocheter ^^ She said "You're already a good crocheter..." When I always thought that I am still a beginner. That comment made me realized that I have gone far enough to do such crochet business. And I must proclaim that I am good crocheter myself! I began accepting customized order. Sometimes I feel unsure about some orders because I don't know if I can make exactly the same as they wish. But I take them and put myself in a challenge. Gladly, I always meet the customers' satisfaction ^^

Another memorable experience because of crochet. My mother and I were falling in line to get my NBI clearance. There was this woman in late 30's I guess who's behind us. She started talking to us to ease the boredom while falling in line when she suddenly noticed the bag I'm carrying. She said " Your bag is beautiful. Where did you buy that?" I said " I just made it. It's what keeping me busy while staying at home"
Then she faced my mother and said " You know, your daughter will be a good wife someday because she works neatly" We just smiled after hearing what she had said.

Well, maybe my parents don't have to worry when I get married ^^ I'm going to be a good wife and mother. I think, crocheting is one of the best ways to mold your personality in terms of being a good wife and mother. Crocheting takes patience, being detail-oriented and working orderly same with building a family. Now, I wanna ask my mother if she would allow me to get married when time comes ^^

Upon remembering those moments, I just can't stop myself from smiling. I hope that I'll continue receiving such spirit-lifting words. And for that I'll just keep on making more out of crochet!

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