Saturday, July 13, 2013

Doing Crochet in the Midst of Busy Schedule

Happy Saturday! How I miss posting updates! I am too busy studying. We have daily examinations so I really need to review my notes and memorize the key points.But then of course, I am not forgetting crochet.

Actually, I started to make another bag out of my scrap yarns. It is my first time to make a bag out of worsted yarns because I always use the size 10 cotton thread in making such. I did not focus on the design and size of the bag instead I paid attention on how the colors would jive.

Here is the bag. It is made out of continuous double crochets. I think the colors are complimentary.

As you can see, this is the sole of the bag.

I haven't finished yet this bag because we just had our final examination in Anatomy and Physiology. This Friday we are going to take the final examination in Pharmacology. I am really having an overlapped schedule. You know what? I just got a bit surprised during our discussion yesterday in Pharmacology because there are some Microbiology lessons included like Gram's staining and bacterias that cause diseases. As a matter of fact, I don't have any problem regarding Anatomy and Microbiology for I have already had those subjects when I was in college. I am just having a hard time in memorizing the pharmaceutical drugs, the generic names and their uses.

But when I really get tired of reading my notes, I just shift my attention in crocheting which really gives me a relief. My mind refreshes.

I hope I can endure to the end of the training. I'm gonna resume posting updates some time soon. Keep safe everyone! =)

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