Sunday, October 6, 2013

Crochet Top

Hi again! And again and again! ^^ It’s so nice to be back as always ^^

As promise, I’m gonna show you now the finished stuff I have made out of the stitch I was talking about in my last post.


What do you think guys?

It is my first ever crochet top! Hooray! ^^ It’s actually an experiment at the beginning and I did not expect that it would turn out like this. I made the straps simpler. I just made two 10 inches pieces and attach it to the bigger piece.

Well, it looks nice somehow ^^

Ooopps! I was thinking of not including this picture here but I know you should see how it fits… So, there you go ^^

Haha! ^^

Thank you for dropping by guys! Have a nice day!

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