Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

I am not the kind of person who give gifts every occasion. That's not me but when I give I make sure that it is the best I could give. Now, that I am talking about gift-giving, I think most of you are much more generous than me, so let's get this words to the point: Mother's Day is just a few days to go and I don't know if I should give my mother something or I'll just do all the household chores for her...

Like what I have said above, I think most of you are much more generous than me when it comes in gift-giving so I decided to show you something... I don't know if you can call this one adorable enough to make your mothers smile.

I've tried making crocheted potted flowers and it turned out like this. I know it's not that perfect but I know that it is still good ^^ Yes, I would like to believe so because it's my work!

Here is another close up picture of my potted flowers.

Before I get mad of this flowers, it has a size of about less than three inches only. I only wanted to try making flowers in a pot (for the first time) so I just made smaller ones. And I don't think I'll be making larger potted flowers (haha! I should practice more in crocheting the pot first)... I'm thinking of putting this potted flowers in the living room as for display for my mother and I think she will love it anyway. I also thought that every mom loves to plant a flowering plant so I decided to make this kind of stuff ^^ And you can also have this potted flowers to give to your mother even if it is not Mother's Day. I'll be posting the pattern soon!

At the end of the day, I made another set of motifs and I'm thinking of making other stuffs that's more useful than this... But I am still proud that I was able to make this one.

A preview of my next project! Keep in touch and watch out for my next post!

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