Saturday, June 29, 2013


It's been weeks since I last updated this blog. It's so happened because I had myself enrolled in a training course which is Pharmacy Assistant. It is actually a vocational course for those who cannot afford to enroll in a university. The good thing about the program is that when you finished the course and be able to pass the assessment you will be given a certificate with National Competency II which is equivalent to 3 or 6 units of Masteral Degree. The course is sponsored by Technical Education and Skills Development Authority or TESDA. It is said that it is the first time that TESDA offered the course of Pharmacy Assistant. So, I may say that we are the first batch to take the course.

I'm going to study for one to two months to complete the required hours of the course plus the On-The-Job training. I need to focus on my studies because if I were able to finish the said course, it would be another achievement for me. This will be my second course for I have already graduated with the degree of Bachelor in Science in Clinical Psychology.

The training started last Monday (June 24, 2013). I felt like I was just going to school again and would be studying hard again. It only differs with the number of students. In school, there are lots of students divided into sections/classrooms, unlike in the training course I am in. There are only fifty students and we are all in one room. I got interested to enroll because it will develop my skills more and I can get a job easier than before.

I hope to finish the program until the end and be able to pass the assessment test =) We are taking Anatomy and Physiology, Pharmacology I and II. I am now expecting more difficult words to pronounce and to memorize in the next lectures =) I just wish everything would be fine and smooth sailing =)

Happy weekend!

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