Sunday, July 28, 2013

Having Fun With Scraps

Hi guys! I have been out for a long time. I got busy with the last week of our training. We just had our comprehensive examination yesterday. Good news! I was able to exceed the 75% passing score! In short, I passed the exam getting a 100% score in the second part.

Since today is my only off this week, I treated myself with these cute motifs.

For passing the comprehensive examination and to rest my brain cells for the meantime, I made these triangles and still making more of it.

I really have a lot of scrap yarns. I don't know what I am going to do with those so I made the worsted yarn bag I posted weeks ago. But there is still some. I decided to make motifs until I run out of yarns. That is my goal. I just don't want my yarns go to waste so I want to use them up to their last strands. After making motifs, I will be deciding whether to make another bag or a clutch purse this time.

I will try to compress my time and schedule to finish this one. Hopefully, before half of August comes I finish making this.

Kindly continue visiting my blog and Facebook Page. I am so sorry for the very late updates. I will make it up to you the soonest time possible. Thanks for bearing with me. Take care always!

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