Saturday, June 29, 2013


It's been weeks since I last updated this blog. It's so happened because I had myself enrolled in a training course which is Pharmacy Assistant. It is actually a vocational course for those who cannot afford to enroll in a university. The good thing about the program is that when you finished the course and be able to pass the assessment you will be given a certificate with National Competency II which is equivalent to 3 or 6 units of Masteral Degree. The course is sponsored by Technical Education and Skills Development Authority or TESDA. It is said that it is the first time that TESDA offered the course of Pharmacy Assistant. So, I may say that we are the first batch to take the course.

I'm going to study for one to two months to complete the required hours of the course plus the On-The-Job training. I need to focus on my studies because if I were able to finish the said course, it would be another achievement for me. This will be my second course for I have already graduated with the degree of Bachelor in Science in Clinical Psychology.

The training started last Monday (June 24, 2013). I felt like I was just going to school again and would be studying hard again. It only differs with the number of students. In school, there are lots of students divided into sections/classrooms, unlike in the training course I am in. There are only fifty students and we are all in one room. I got interested to enroll because it will develop my skills more and I can get a job easier than before.

I hope to finish the program until the end and be able to pass the assessment test =) We are taking Anatomy and Physiology, Pharmacology I and II. I am now expecting more difficult words to pronounce and to memorize in the next lectures =) I just wish everything would be fine and smooth sailing =)

Happy weekend!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Crocheted Bonnet

It is said that crochet and stuffs out of it are exclusive only for girls. Maybe the art of crocheting is best for women but there are some crocheted stuff that could fit to any boys/men.

Remember the bonnet I have mentioned in my previous post? The bonnet is made for a six-year old boy. It is made out of Red Heart 4ply yarn. I just can't remember the shade number because I think I have already thrown the tag but it was a chocolate brown color.

This is the crocheted bonnet I have made.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wish List

It's Wednesday again! I hope everyone is doing well. It's the third day of the week and we sure to expect more busy days as the time passes. Two weeks to go and it's already midyear [again!] See how fast the days are passing? Sooner it's going to be "BER" months again and we're counting down for the year 2014. I feel like I'm getting older faster... I wish I could be more productive before 2013 ends ^^

Be productive =) Well, I guess I need to work harder to achieve that. Being productive means you're getting every thing you do on the deadline and making more outputs. Behind every work is the effort and something you would like to get or to happen. Something you wish for yourself or for other people. Right now, I am not working for any company or for others. I am working through crocheting for myself. I said for myself  because the profit I'm earning from crocheting is not that sufficient to support them. But I'm wishing that as time passes by, I'll get more from crocheting like earning bigger amount of money to be able to give back to my parents. I have other wants and needs in my life for I am only at my early 20's. There more steps for me to take. But before dreaming for a bigger future, I know I must start from the bottom first, making small steps to achieve something I really want =)

Friday, June 14, 2013

Work, Work, Work

Thank God it's Friday! The super old tag but still in trend used when Friday comes =) The last working day of the week for most of the people. Yeah, it's Friday but I'm just starting my weekend with a new project.

Before introducing my latest project, here are some of the finished ones.

This is from the pattern I have found in my book and I have already mentioned this in my previous post. I call this Tri Motif Doily out of puff stitch.

This one is requested by my sister. She's been longing for this Cat Coin Purse. Finally, I had made it but I haven't added a zipper yet.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Experiences Encountered Because of Crochet

Great evening! It's weekend again! Seems like the days are passing real fast. It feels like it's going to be Christmas again in the next day. I can see more busy days ahead. How I miss the old times...

Okay, I'm done reminiscing.... T _ T

You know what? Thinking about how long and how far have I been crocheting, I've already collected some funny and complimenting experiences because of that. Compliments like "I like your work! Why don't you try selling some?" and " Can you make something for me like what you did? It's beautiful!" It feels so comforting hearing those kinds of words from someone you know or even from a stranger. They gave me the courage to share my Facebook Page and to make it public. I also had the confidence to consult my fellow Filipino crocheters about the advices they could give me in order to improve my skill. I feel proud of my works and I got the chance to show them off knowing that they are going to appreciate what I'm doing.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Works in Progress

Hey! I just finished the Lacy Scarf. Check the full preview of the photos in my Facebook Page.

So how's your weekend? Me? I had a very light weekend =) I did nothing. I just stayed at home and did some routinary activities like washing the dishes and cleaning the house. And oh! As I have said above I just came to finish the scarf I mentioned in my last post. That's all, nothing special had happened. What a life!

Anyways, I still have some unfinished works... And I am still on the way of thinking on how to make and finish them all. It's like that my mind has already given out all the imagination it could but still nothing came and maybe that's why I haven't finished them yet. So funny to think that I am so enthusiastic to start a new crochet project and losing will at the bottom of the work...

Okay, will you let ma enumerate those unfinished projects? =)

These hexagon motifs are first on the list.

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