Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Training Adieu!

Yeah! The lecture part of our Pharmacy Assistant Training is done! Nest step will be the On-The-Job training. I am included in the first batch of the trainees and we just started this Monday (July 29). We are ten people in the group. We are scheduled for the morning shift (7am to 3pm) to complete the 120 hours required for our course. We will be working in an hospital to be assigned in the Admin and Emergency Room (Oh! To work in ER scares me, really!)

In this post, I just want to share with you the pictures that resemble the memories I had with my classmates. Another memories I'm going to keep and put in my treasure box.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Having Fun With Scraps

Hi guys! I have been out for a long time. I got busy with the last week of our training. We just had our comprehensive examination yesterday. Good news! I was able to exceed the 75% passing score! In short, I passed the exam getting a 100% score in the second part.

Since today is my only off this week, I treated myself with these cute motifs.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Doing Crochet in the Midst of Busy Schedule

Happy Saturday! How I miss posting updates! I am too busy studying. We have daily examinations so I really need to review my notes and memorize the key points.But then of course, I am not forgetting crochet.

Actually, I started to make another bag out of my scrap yarns. It is my first time to make a bag out of worsted yarns because I always use the size 10 cotton thread in making such. I did not focus on the design and size of the bag instead I paid attention on how the colors would jive.

Here is the bag. It is made out of continuous double crochets. I think the colors are complimentary.

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