Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Author's Note

Hi guys!
Hooked ThreadLine is undergoing some changes right now and I'm asking you to please bear with me. That's why I was unable to post anything for this month. But when I come back in May, I will make sure that I can update you and post relevant ideas.

Have a blessed week ahead! Thank you!

About the Hooked ThreadLIne


The author of this blog, Hooked ThreadLine is from the Philippines. I am a  22-year old girl who has a Bachelor's Degree in Clinical Psychology and currently a full-time blogger. Aside from my love of crocheting, I also love music, traveling, movies, books and eating. I cook at times, mostly sauteed vegetable, fried dishes but never the broth dishes except cooking noodles and the likes. I  like noodles very much. With books, I have read mainly Sidney Sheldon's works and the others are by various authors whose stories are of psychological theme. When it comes to music, I prefer country music for it is so good to the ears and mind, so relaxing.

In addition to the above information, I like surfing over the net. I use computer around 6 to seven hours a day, checking e-mails and messages. Signing up and logging in in social networking sites. But then of course, I can still manage my time to do other duties than using computer.

Going back to the main topic of this blog, crocheting. i am really into crocheting. I list all my to-do crochet projects in order to catch up with the updates of this blog. I also know how to do cross-stitch, embroidery, paper cutting and other handicrafts but my main focus right now is the art of crocheting.

Getting Started

Before this blog was created, I first founded my Facebook Page last August 2011. I did not have any troubles with what name should I give to my small business. I just thought of the hook that I'm using and the thread or yarn. In crocheting, we used to hook the yarn to start with the pattern so I have came up with the name of "Hooked ThreadLine". The word line was just an additional to make it sound more interesting. At first, I just wanted to make a gallery of my crochet creations, somewhere to file the pictures of my works and eventually to get some order if ever. Then later on, I thought of making my crocheting full-time for I do not work yet. I shared my Facebook page to my friends asking them to help me with my business and to expand my audience more. The page started to gain likes and orders. After that, I came to an idea of making my own blog where I can put my ideas and works in a broader place so people can read more of me and my craft.

I started with blogging just this January 2013. As you can see, the blog is still going under some changes in layout for I am still an amateur in making a good and successful craft blog. I am enjoying posting in this blog not until I received a lot of orders and was not able to post something new. The days were passing and I haven't posted anything yet. I struggled thinking what to post, how can I make this blog more productive and interesting to the readers. And same with my Facebook page, I could not get them updated. And I was so frustrated then. But I am the type of person who will do anything to make a perfect output. So I researched for ideas on how to keep a blog motivating and attention-grabbing. I learned a lot and now I'm back on track! =)

The "Hooked ThreadLine"

This blog was created to show my crochet skills and the outcomes. This blog is intended for business and somehow it is also for sharing some techniques and ideas to other art lovers out there.


I make different crochet stuffs mostly bags and purses. At times, it depends on what a customer wants like souvenirs, key chains, home decorations (table covers), gifts, hats and accessories.


I offer my products via made-to-order basis. I make customized orders. You can choose the pattern/design, color and size of your desired item.


To be able to motivate others to appreciate the handmade crafts more.
To give inspiration that even a single thread and a hook in our hands can make a space in this world that it can also help one person to grow and find diversity in a skill.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Baby Stuffs =)

Sorry for the very late update... I was into finishing some projects these past weeks that's why I was unable to post something here. But now, I'm done with the projects and I'm ready to update you guys! =)

The projects I am talking about are the ones being ordered to me by a friend. It's a set of a pair of baby shoes and almost 80pairs of little booties as for baptism souvenir. It took me about three weeks to finish them all with the thought that I might not get them done on time because I have other things to do aside from crocheting. But then again I just finished them on time =)

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